Economic Policy Lecture in Linz: Events like These are Urgently Needed!

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On Monday, October 23, 2023, I had the privilege of delivering a one-hour lecture on Chinese economic policy at VHS LINZ. During the lecture, I discussed the driving forces and reform measures of China’s economic transformation since the late 1970s. Within this context, I also explored the current challenges facing the Chinese economy and attempts to modify the existing model. Following the presentation, there was a lively one-hour Q&A session with the audience.

This lecture format has, on the one hand, attracted numerous visitors who have a keen interest in China’s economic policy and its transformations. Simultaneously, it has provided a platform for a lively discussion on various aspects of the subject.

It’s worth highlighting that events of this nature are of immense significance in bridging the gap between academic engagement with topics related to China and an interested audience. This form of “bridge-building” serves not only as a means of knowledge dissemination, for which there is evidently a demand, but also encourages informed discussions on topics related to Chinese (economic) politics within society.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the event organizers and all the participants who attended. It was truly a pleasure for me!

For all those interested: the lecture series “China unter Xi Jinping” will continue!